
Twin Pregnancy Update: 29 weeks!

Hi Beauties!

It’s been awhile since my last pregnancy update, so I figured it’s time for another one! I’ve been so busy this time around that I haven’t done a great job keeping you in the loop. Having 2 toddlers to chase around will do that to you! 🙂


How have you been feeling?

I’ve been feeling pretty good! I’m so thankful. I don’t have any big complaints. I feel very big for 29 weeks (I’m measuring about 4-5 weeks ahead of a singleton pregnancy, which is normal for twins). It’s getting harder and harder to move around. Getting up from the floor is becoming awkward and it’s hard for me to reach under my desk to plug in my computer charger. I can only imagine how I’m going to feel in 2 months!

This pregnancy has been different than my singleton pregnancies in that I have to be much more intentional about reserving my energy. My workouts have been very short and gentle because it takes most of my energy to just get through the day caring for a 2-year old and 4-year old. I’ve found that on the days I exercise in the morning, I am EXHAUSTED by the afternoon (and often quite achey). This has been a bummer because I haven’t been able to keep up my ideal exercise routine. But I’ve been trying to plan strategically so that I exercise more on the days I will be doing more sitting at my desk.

It’s hard for me to not feel great about my exercise routine, but I’m trying to remind myself that my body is doing A LOT each day just to keep these babies growing and keep all the blood pumping, so to go easy on myself. I’m at a place where I’m wondering how much longer I can keep exercising at all. Thankfully I’m able to stay active by chasing my kids around all day, but mentally it’s been a challenge.

I am already looking forward to resuming my usual routine postpartum. 🙂

Twin Pregnancy Update

Any food aversions/cravings?

Nope! Thankfully they all disappeared after the first trimester.

Although for someone who typically LOVES my dark chocolate, I can really take it or leave it these days. My desire for sweets is almost nonexistent. Kind of weird!

Oh and really, really cold drinks hit the spot every time.

How is your diet?

I’ve been working with a nutritionist to make sure my diet is packed with all that I need to support a twin pregnancy. I was very intentional about putting on plenty of weight early in this pregnancy because there is fascinating research around the correlation of early weight gain in twin pregnancies having a positive effect on the ability to carry the pregnancy full term and produce healthy birth weights in the babies.

I’ll do a separate post on this soon, but one interesting reason is toward the end of a twin pregnancy your appetite really decreases because there is no room for food! So in the later days, your body will utilize the fat stores from early pregnancy to continue nourishing the babies during their time of rapid growth. Pretty interesting, isn’t it?

Working with a nutritionist and this book about weight gain in twin pregnancy have both been integral for me on this journey.

My diet has consisted of a lot of eggs, animal protein, ghee, full fat dairy, fruits, veggies and fish.

I am typically not able to digest gluten and dairy very well, but those issues have completely disappeared with this pregnancy. So crazy!

Any other symptoms?

It’s hard to breathe most days and if I go too long without eating I feel a little lightheaded, but that’s about it (I am so grateful to be able to say that)!

The Balanced Life Pregnancy Update

Do you have names picked out?

Not yet! We are still thinking about names so if you have any favorites, post them in the comments! 🙂

Will you have a c-section or vaginal delivery?

It depends. My hope is to have another unmedicated vaginal delivery (you can read my other birth stories here and here), but it all depends how I’m doing, how the babies are doing, and what position they are in.

If they are both head down, then I am a candidate for vaginal delivery. If one is head down and one is head up, we’ll have a long conversation about the pros and cons of vaginal vs. c-section with our specialist. And if they are both head up or transverse, then I will have a scheduled c-section.

Of course, all of this is assuming I don’t go in to labor prior to 38 weeks. Thankfully, I have not had any signs of pre-term labor and am feeling pretty good about making it the whole way.

Do you plan to breastfeed?

I do! Wish me luck. 🙂

Any other questions you have? Post them in the comments! This time is flying by and yet at the same time, I can barely remember what it feels like to not be pregnant. Funny how that happens isn’t it?

Thanks for all of your love and support. I cannot wait for you to meet these new Balanced Life babies!


PS – Looking for more posts about babies, pregnancy, and birth? You may enjoy these posts:

Kincade’s Hypnobirthing Birth Story

Blake’s Hypnobirthing Birth Story

Behind The Scenes: a move and a miscarriage

Exercise After Miscarriage: how to safely resume exercise after pregnancy loss

Twin Pregnancy Announcement + First Trimester Update

Note: affiliate links ares used in this post. 🙂

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17 thoughts on “Twin Pregnancy Update: 29 weeks!”

  1. Maybe you could try swimming for exercise? I love to swim in general, but even more when I was pregnant…

  2. Teach me your ways of weight gain! Do you feel like you’re eating constantly? I am struggling at 18 weeks (di/di girls) to gain like I’d hoped to, but I’ve also been sick still which has made it a little harder, so I’ve been trying to show myself grace while doing the best I can and trusting God for the rest. Are you aiming for the calorie goal recommended by Dr. Luke or just sticking to getting in all the good proteins, fats and carbs that you can? Sorry so many questions!

  3. I never ever thought a c section would happen to me but my first was breech. I worked out until the day before I had him & was absolutely terrified at the thought of a c section. I recovered very easily & was so surprised at how good I felt. Just hoping to send you a positive experience if you are to have a c section

  4. Lindsay Murad

    I love hearing your updates! I’m partial to Siena and Zachary for names. ; p Other girl names I’ve liked: Joelle (nick name Jojo), Lucy, and Danae (pronounced Da-nay). Boy names: Shepherd, Levi, and Trenton. Or you could go just real bold and name them Quinoa and Kale. Ha!

  5. This update brought back so many emotions to my experience! Keeping you in my thoughts daily and hoping you get to that 38 week mark too! We want big healthy babies right?! XO.

  6. I just want to tell you, you can do this! My twin sons are now 23. Way back when, I didn’t have the support of an online community to help me through. But I successfully delivered vaginally at 38 weeks 4 days (after 3 months of bed rest) – two healthy boys at 7 lb. 6 oz. and 7 lb. each (identical). (I had a son who turned 4 just 6 days before their birth as well.) I managed to successfully breastfeed for 11 months until they self-weaned. It wasn’t always easy, but you find your routine, just like you did with your singletons.

    I highly recommend staying off your feet as much as possible in these last weeks. Hydrate, moderate exercise (you’ll get plenty after they arrive!), and as much rest as possible. Blessings to your growing family!

  7. Kathryn Bartling

    I just wanted to give another twin mom some support and say you’re doing great!

    I have 2 1/2 year old b/g twins, and I can still remember the aches and exhaustion you describe. Just when you think there’s no possible way you could stretch and get any bigger, you do 🙂

    I had mine via c-section. Baby girl was head down but baby boy was breach and remained so. I’d hoped to have been able to have a vaginal birth since surgery sounded terrifying given I’d need to be caring for two babies but when my OB shared that there was a strong possibility that I’d have to deliver both ways–vaginally and section–if we couldn’t get baby boy, I opted for a scheduled section, and for our family, that was best. They arrived at 38+2 weighing 8 lb 12 oz and 6 lb 3 oz…after they’d both measured 7 lbs via ultrasound.

    If you can, I’d rest as much as you can now. I got put on modified bed rest at around 31 weeks for some pre-term labor, and while at the time, it felt like such a pain, I know it helped me carry to term and also come in a bit more rested for the adventure of raising twins.

    I know two babies can be so overwhelming and everything can feel like such a blur amongst the chaos of it all, but it’s such a unique experience that you’re being blessed with. Bask in it and best wishes!

  8. I also want to encourage you that you can deliver vaginally (and without medical interventions) even before full term. My boy/girl twins were born vaginally at exactly 35 weeks. They were 4lbs 8oz and 4lbs 2oz due to how sick I had been. I was able to breastfeed them, but used a Lact-Aid at the breast supplementer until they were strong enough to feed all on their own. I highly recommend that over the Medella SNS. I also highly recommend the Double Blessings twin nursing pillow and trying a Moby wrap for wearing both babies at once. God bless you & babies & family on this journey! 🙂

  9. Shannon Kroll

    Just wanted to say I admire how intentional and informed you are in every aspect of your life. All FOUR of your kids are lucky to have you as their mama and teacher!

  10. Thanks for sharing– love the update 🙂 Sounds like you’re feeling pretty good (for the situation you’re in!) and you LOOK good so WIN WIN! 😀

  11. Congratulations on your twin pregnancy and so happy for you and all your progress! I’ve had 2 single pregnancies, not twins, but both times I enjoyed exercise in the swimming pool (not ocean). Perhaps there is a class you could join, or even just walking around in a pool, moving your legs and arms gently can be relaxing because the bouency of the water lifts the belly weight which actually feels good. Just an idea.
    I also had two c-sections which was not my preference, but it all ended up just fine in the long run. Whatever your doctor recommends for healthy delivery is the way to go. Praying for you and your family as you go through this pregnancy and hoping for joy to fill your heart every day! I believe babies are gifts from God and you are doubly blessed this time! ???❤️

  12. Hi, Robin! Was sent your way by a friend and who knows if it was divine appointment, but our stories are so similar! I suffered a miscarriage, then was surprised with twins (di/di girls)! They came into the world vaginally and unmedicated, at 38w4d, joining their 21-month-old brother. A true circus. But no bedrest and nursed them over a year. I always encourage any mom, especially twin moms, to take advantage of lactation consultants! Thinking of nursing two babies freaked me out and seemed impossible, so I saw a LC pre-babies, then constantly in the hospital, and several times post-babies. They got me through! It’s nuts, but possible. Sounds like you are healthy and positive, which goes a long way when walkin’ around with two babes in your belly (isn’t that CRAZY?). Thanks for sharing your story and God bless you!

  13. Hi! New here. My twins turned 26 a couple of weeks ago and I am privileged to be a twin mom. We had a 3 year old when they were born so I get the crazy. I made it to 39 1/2 weeks and was very thankful for big healthy babies. Ended up with a c-section because one was breech but everything was a blur anyway so I don’t remember it being anything too hard. My goal was to get them on a schedule and the same schedule ASAP for my sanity and so our home wouldn’t be totally consumed with all things baby. Worked for us and for them. I hope you have lots of help. That and sleep is the key to survival! No matter how overwhelming multiples are I wouldn’t trade it for anything! And I thank God for choosing me to be a mother of twins! #twicetheblessing #double the fun

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