
30-Day Pilates Body Challenge: Day 18 (reformer on the mat)

Hi Beauties!

I’m thrilled to be introducing you to another guest instructor today. 🙂

Anastasiya Goers, Pilates instructor and creator of Pilates Bridge, will be leading us through a “Reformer On The Mat” workout. The reformer is a piece of Pilates equipment that adds the extra challenge of weight resistance and instability. You can view one of my Pilates reformer workouts here to give you an idea of what it looks like.


Here’s a little more about Anastasiya:

Anastasiya is passionate about Pilates and all things health. As a mother of 4 she understands the challenge of fitting “me” time and “workout” time into a daily schedule filled with kids activities, healthy cooking and managing a business.
Anastasiya is the creator of sFeraFitness – a unique blend of Pilates, Myofascial and Trigger Point release that aims to correct muscular imbalances, alleviate chronic pain and tightness as well as strengthen the body in a balanced way. sFeraFitness is the ultimate self-care tool that anyone can use to feel better and look great.
For the past 4 years Anastasiya has been running a community-based Pilates website,, that unites Pilates professionals and Pilates students. Her goal is to teach people to enjoy movement and feel comfortable in their bodies as well as to give the instructors all needed tools to grow their Pilates business and education.

Anastasiya’s workout is a little longer than 10 minutes so if you have time limitations just do what you can! I think you’ll really enjoy it. 🙂

Daily Check-In: Treat yourself! You’ve been working hard so treat yourself to a little something special. Maybe a bubble bath, a new shirt, fresh flowers…it’s up to you! But try not to make it food related. 🙂 Show me how you’re treating yourself by sharing a photo on Twitter or Instagram. Use the hashtag #30daypilatesbody so I can see what you’re up to. 🙂



PS – Did you catch this yummy recipe I shared the other day?


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40 thoughts on “30-Day Pilates Body Challenge: Day 18 (reformer on the mat)”

  1. Pingback: Video: Bring Your Reformer Workout to the Mat - Pilates Bridge

  2. I did a chair class and then a barre class last night and was worried I wasn’t up for this today but what a great workout, it was just challenging enough, I feel stronger and lighter already. I’m going to try to convince my husband to do it with me tomorrow.

  3. Day 18 done! So glad I was able to do all of the moves though I was getting Charlie horses in my calves at one point… not sure what’s up with that or what I might have been doing wrong but I worked through them and finished. Thanks, I enjoyed this workout also.

    1. Your calves can be a bit too tight especially if you love cardio or tend to wear high heels a lot. Some people swear by pickle juice pre workout to avoid cramps but I personally found self myofascial release techniques to be most helpful in preventing cramps.

  4. Thank you Robin for inviting me to join the Pilates Body Challenge! This challenge is a blast and I am following along with everybody else.
    And thanks everyone for your warm comments!

  5. Great workout! You explained the movements so clearly, thank you! I’ll come back to do your workout again. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Thank you Anastaysia that was a great workout, loved the footwork exercises & need to work on the Teaser series ☺

  7. This was a great addition to the challenge! What a great workout that was both challenging and the right amount of minutes. Thank you Anastasia and thank you Robin!

  8. Great instruction Anastatiya! Some of those ab exercises where you kept your upper body still were a killer…gives me a goal to try to do the tougher versions when I gain more strength and control. 4 kids?! Boy, you are in awesome shape!

    1. Anastasiya Goers

      Kids keep me busy so I have to keep up with them:-) and I have two sets of twins, so at least I did not have to go through 4 pregnancies, 🙂

  9. Thanks, Anastasiya! Love how you broke down the movements, particularly the beginning where you explained what a neutral spine should feel like. It’s small things like this that really help me see changes in my pilates practice.

    1. Anastasiya Goers

      Thank you Vanessa! I believe that success of every move and every workout lies in proper setup. When you know where your body should be at the beginning, during and at the end of every movement then you can gain full control of your body (and that’s the ultimate goal of every Pilates workout.)

  10. Finished it, thank you. Enjoying these workouts- I’m a day late and should usually be in bed but always glad when I just do it! I also have 4 kids and you know the days are full of blessings that take a lot out of you, lol. 10 minutes is just right for me!

    1. Anastasiya Goers

      I am like Robin a big believer in short but consistent workouts. When there are SO many little people who need our attention and our energy we need to stay in the best shape without upsetting the fragile family balance. 10-15 minutes is always manageable even if we get to do it right before going to bed:-)

  11. Sadie Norcross

    This was fantastic! This one was the most challenging for me because my body wasn’t used to these movements. Not physically as much as neurologically, So awesome building new neurological pathways. Thanks so much!

  12. Great Job! I did a chair class and then a barre class last night and was worried I wasn’t up for this today but what a great workout, it was just challenging enough, I feel stronger and lighter already. Thank you!

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