Defining success beyond before + after photos

The health and wellness industry has perpetuated a narrow and scale-driven perspective of fitness for years. The way we’ve been taught to measure our happiness and success is by the size of our jeans or a number on a scale. This shouldn’t define our success and there is so much more to our health and wellness than a number. 

In this episode, Robin shares her fitness journey and how it inspired her to create a new approach to fitness. She discusses what drives her to create a more accepting and gracious atmosphere to help women embrace their bodies as they are. Join Robin in this episode to hear more about The Balanced Life’s mission to help women feel healthier, happier, and more confident.

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • How Robin began teaching and entered the health and wellness space
  • Why Robin wanted to change the focus from physical to mental results 
  • Looking past physical appearance goals in the fitness space
  • WhyRobin wanted to create a new approach to how we view fitness 
  • How to live from a place of freedom 
  • The impact of before and after photos and why The Balanced Life doesn’t use them 
  • Setting a positive example for others around us and changing the wellness culture

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8 thoughts on “Defining success beyond before + after photos”

  1. Beautifully expressed!! ❤️
    As someone who dealt with disordered eating and body hate for more than 7 years, this approach to fitness and exercise has helped to transform my view of myself and my body as a whole. Thank you for sharing your heart and for being courageous in going against the current!

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      It’s so encouraging to hear that this approach has helped you transform your view of yourself for the better, Lydia. Thank you for sharing! ❤️❤️

  2. This is the healthiest approach about real women fitness; as a mid aged women, working mom, and Obgyn I need this point of view to balance my life. Thank you Robin and all the team!!!

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      We’re so grateful to hear that this approach is helpful for you and your current lifestyle and season, Anya! We are cheering you on! ❤️

  3. Cheers to you for not allowing people to pressure you into using your body as a billboard! If that was your approach, I wouldn’t be a part of the Sisterhood and I wouldn’t have been consistent now for 3 years. You’re message and energy has helped me change my mindset from a weight/size focus that consistently resulted in me feeling like a failure to a mindset focused on getting on the mat for both my mind and body and now feeling strong and proud of the work I’ve put in.

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      Love to hear that you’re feeling strong – and you should absolutely feel proud of the work you’ve put in ?? Thank you for sharing this, Elizabeth and for your kind + encouraging words!

  4. Robin, this is the exact reason I joined The Balanced Life in the first place! Thank you for providing a grace based place for me to learn and grow in.

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