Click here for an update since this episode – Robin’s health journey, one year later + the steps she’s taken towards hormonal balance.
This year has presented many of us with unique struggles. Whether you’ve realized it or not, 2020 put many stressors and obstacles in daily life that may not have been there before.
In this week’s episode, Robin is sharing some of the struggles she’s been facing over this past year and how she’s now overcoming them. She dives into a deep look at her own health, the challenges and diagnosis she has faced, and ways she’s moving forward. Join Robin in this personal and explorative episode to hear more about her health journey.

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!
- The consistent symptoms Robin was experiencingÂ
- Why Robin chose to invest in a holistic practitionerÂ
- How Robin is dealing with mold toxicity and adrenal burnoutÂ
- Ways stress impacts the bodyÂ
- The difference between acute stress and chronic stress
- What is HPA Axis
- Ways The Balanced Life + Pilates has kept Robin afloat through her diagnosisÂ
- What we all need to do to make sure we’re taking care of ourselvesÂ
- The struggles of maintaining balance and health with a busy scheduleÂ
- Small steps you can take to make progress on your health goalsÂ
Links in this episode:
Download your FREE guide here! Core Components of Health + Healing
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83 thoughts on “A surprising diagnosis: my current health + healing journey”
Thank you for sharing your experience and for sharing such personal information. I recently had an explant after feeling unwell for a long time. After a lot of research, I realized that the implants were making me sick- who knew?! I’ve been on my journey to wellness for a bit now and I’m happy to report that I’m feeling much better. I hope that your journey is the same. I’m looking forward to positive updates.
Tiffany – I have been hearing about explants from so many other women lately! I’m sorry you had to go through that but I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling better and on a path to healing! Thank you so much for your care and support. xo
Thank you for sharing. I suffer from Fibromyalgia and osteoporosis. I also have hashimotos thyroid. from the go,go,go lifestyle.
Starting Pilates again today!! Kelli Siereveld PS. I had twins too!!
Hi Kelli! I’m sorry for the challenges you’ve been navigating as well. I’m so glad you found Pilates and are finding ways to care for yourself in the midst of it all. And cheers to you as fellow twin mama! Sending you lots of love. xo
Thank you for sharing! I’m having lots of arthritis pain in my spine and super stiff, I gave a condition where my blood pressure drops while standing and POTS which my heart races when I stand. ? I also have adrenal insufficiency which does not help. I have lots of allergies and gut issues so life has been a struggle, your workouts have been amazing.
Ressa – that sounds so challenging. I’m sorry to hear that and I hope that you can continue to find support, resources and tools to feel better! xo
Thank you Robin for sharing your story. Very happy to know you are feeling better. I am sure you have helped a lot of people!
Thank. you Jocelyn!
Thank you so much for your openness in sharing this very personal information and for your willingness to be vulnerable and authentic! I wish you all the best as you navigate this journey to healing! I can definitely relate to that feeling of being wired and tired, I am so used to pushing through and writing off exhaustion, but I am so grateful that God really opened my eyes this past year and I have started making changes and prioritizing my health, and The Balanced Life has been a big part of that. Your Pilates workouts, your attitude and bubbly personality have transformed me from a person who used to say “I hate exercising” to a person who loves to get on the map. Thank you for everything you do! So grateful for you!
Thank you for sharing this Gabriela! I have been BLOWN AWAY by how many women can relate to some of the things I’ve been experiencing so it just fires me up even more to continue to create a place for all of us to take care of ourselves in the best way possible. Sending you lots of love! xo
Robin, This podcast was so timely for me to listen too. I actually have a mold mitigation company coming tomorrow. I had been feeling similar symptoms of colds, runny nose, low energy and just not feeling my normal self. As it turns out, there is mold growing on the inner wall behind my refrigerator. I am grateful that this has been found so that my home becomes clear and my body can heal from this.. Thank you for all of the helpful sharing on this journey of yours as it is definitely helping me on my journey! Thank you ?
I’m so sorry to hear that Caroline but I hope you’re able to get to the root of the issue! It’s a hard thing to navigate. I will continue to share more as my path becomes more clear and I learn things along the way. Sending you lots of love!
Thank you for sharing!! Be Well, and I hope you get the opportunity to follow your own advice that is so helpful to so many!!
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I have two autoimmune disorders along with Fibromyalgia, so I understand daily fatigue in a big way, as well as joint pain and just overall feeling flu-like.
Mold is also one of my allergies; and I’m 56, so my hormones are in the tank as well. I deal with chronic stress for various reasons, but I have also been told my adrenals are on high alert on a constant basis.
I’m so glad you decided to get yourself tested and were able to find someone who really dug deeply into your past and your current health issues, and is also taking the time to slowly and patiently see how you are reacting to the changes. You have a lot of responsibilities with your kids and your business and it’s obvious you work your butt off to do everything well. There’s always a “reason” we women seem to find for our “off-feelings”. We tend to write everything off! So, good for you for advocating for yourself!
My hope is that you are able to navigate through all of this with successful results and get back to feeling 100% again. That it’s all treatable is fantastic news. You’re such an inspiration to all of us and I appreciate everything you do for us at TBL!
Thank you Sue! I hope the same for you and am grateful for your support! While I care for myself I also feel grateful to be able to create a space for all of us to take care of ourselves in the best way possible. I hope that Pilates continues to be something that helps you feel better as you go throughout your day. Grateful for you! xo
Thank you for sharing! I have been dealing with “feeling off” and general fatigue symptoms and lingering results from a covid infection 6 months ago. I will be talking to my provider about these, especially the mold. My daughter seems to get colds and a cough that doesn’t go away as well. In the pandemic era, it’s even harder than it used to be to get answers. Ps… I have twins too! And you have always been an inspiration.
Hi fellow twin mama! I’m sorry you’ve been feeling off. I hope that you’re able to get some clarity from your doctor and don’t be afraid to seek out additional help if you feel that your symptoms aren’t being taken seriously. Advocate for yourself and keep me posted. Sending you lots of love!
The timing of this podcast couldn’t have been better. My mother was recently diagnosed with a terminal cancer. I, like you, felt like I had everything under control and wasn’t feeling stressed at all. But I noticed symptoms such as heart burn and I had the ability to sleep 15 hours a day. (That sounds like a good thing but it wasn’t) I have quit coffee and my heartburn is gone. I began walking this week and joined your sisterhood. I have to get out in nature and have started that again. I’m an Empath too and don’t listen to news either. I thought I had it all together. But I just about cracked apart a week ago. I’ve been primarily taking care of my mom and that is maybe all I can do on top of my self care activities. My hobbies may have to be put on a temporary hold as they can be an underlying stressor too. And that’s ok – that is the season I’m in and am privileged to take care of my mom just as you are with your kids- but they are stressors (with rewards) Thank you!.
Paula, I’m so sorry for all that you’ve been going through with your mother. That is a lot to carry and and lot to process. It’s no surprise to me that your body would start to feel the stress as you’ve been holding it together for her and for yourself. I’m so glad that you’re listening and finding small ways to care for yourself in the midst of all you have going on. Be sure to download the checklist linked above! And remember that you’re not alone on your journey. All of us here at TBL are here to support you. xoxo
Robin, Sounds like you have a great doctor running the right tests. So glad you are getting the help. I’ve worked for over 17 years with a Nutraceutical company who supports Integrative practitioners in this manner via dr’s labs and supportive protocols. It’s so great knowing you will be ok because there are answers that will for certain assist you on this journey to full energy and health.
Best to you.
Thank you Robin for talking about this. Many times these symptoms are disregarded as weakness and need to exercise more or better our diets, or thyroid function alone. Could you share the names of the exams utilized to check for adrenal fatigue? Also, can you talk about how you are managing that diagnosis? Thank you!
Yes, so true Adriana! My doctor utilized the Dutch Plus saliva tests for my hormones as well as comprehensive blood work. Be sure to download the checklist above as it includes most of the things I am doing to return to full health – and I will share more specific updates soon as well! xo
Thank you for sharing. My biggest take away is that it’s important and healthy to share because we are all living with or on some type of wellness and healing journey. We are bombarded with social media and emails about do this or that “challenge.” And when we aren’t feeling well and don’t know why, the “stressor” of not being able to do the challenge makes anxiety rise, health anxiety rise, which in turn makes us feel more physically and mentally challenged. I too am seeing a functional medicine practitioner for six months now. I felt horrible. I’m 55, still in perimenopause, just retired from 34 career, pandemic, and was tired, exhausted, unmotivated, depressed, anxious, migraines, nauseous. As you say, she did extensive blood work, b12, d, iron all low, thyroid low, hormones whacky. Now I’ve changed my diet to Whole30 and never went back (except for a few indulgence here n there), b12 shots, vitamins, supplements and I’m just now starting to feel myself. I saw my therapist and acupuncturist! I get monthly massages. Ive started walking again three miles a few times a week. I’ve learned that some days are “good enough.” Ive learned to be the one to decide what’s right for me, if I don’t want to help out one day where I volunteer my time, it’s ok. If I can only do one thing to help, guess what…it’s good enough. While no one wants to hear that anyone isn’t feeling their best, it’s helpful to know that the people we choose to follow on our health and wellness journey aren’t just there to push us along and can be sensitive to how so many of us struggle on this journey. We all want to feel happy and energized and healthy. I’m so glad you sought out an expert. I feel so lucky to have a functional medicine practitioner who is so kind and supportive! I wish you and all your community here the best of health and well-being!
Thank you for this! I am so inspired by what you have done and are doing and appreciate your supportive and thoughtful perspective so much. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your experience. You are always so supportive of us . I’m glad to be there for you, too! I will keep your journey towards healing in my thoughts.
Thank you Wendy!
Robin, thank you for this podcast. It was very informative; a lot of info that I didn’t know. Could you possibly list the specific tests you had done? I referred your podcast to a couple of people experiencing similar symptoms, and it would be easier to have a test list to use as a reference when visiting their doctor.
Hi Ursula! When checking for adrenal fatigue, Robin’s doctor used the Dutch Plus saliva tests for hormones, as well as conducted comprehensive blood work.
So glad you are feeling better and finding answers.
Thank you Sandy!
Thanks for sharing in quite a bit of detail your experience. I remember those days of unrelenting busyness when raising young children, but am glad to hear that you pursued investigating your symptoms further. Now I’m 62 and have been feeling tired. I can’t quite figure out if it’s just normal aging or due to some other factors. Perhaps I will seek out a functional medicine practitioner too – does insurance cover any of that? (not expecting an answer, just wondering – it’s information I can find out myself). Best wishes for your further healing.
Hi Cindy! It does depend, but many functional medicine doctors are not covered by insurance. We are thinking of you and hoping you are able to find some answers and remedies as well. ❤️❤️
Oh sweet one, so glad you are listening to your body. I listened to mine through ovarian cancer and then severe sepsis. I know all about unbalanced hormones (& sudden menopause). About 10 months after my treatment my doctor put me on a homeopathic HGH gel which has really balanced my hormones and restored my health (my husbands too!). I’m an engineer but people need to know this stuff exists. I have since met the formulator and cried tears of thankfulness in his arms.
I am a yoga girl dipping my toe into pilates thanks to you!
I’m rocking my 57th year of life!
I’m so happy you are paying attention and you will get better.
Wow Lynn! Thank you for sharing this! I’m sorry for all that you’ve been though but am grateful for the solutions you’ve found throughout the journey! And welcome to the world of Pilates! So glad you are here. 🙂 xo
Thanks for sharing Robin! Appreciate you leaning into this vulnerability. We are not all perfect and we are in process. This was a beautiful reminder of that. See you on the mat!
You are such a gem & are appreciated more than you know! <3
Thank you for your vulnerability Robin!! You lead us well. Being part of the sisterhood is a blessing. Here’s to a healthy recovery for you and all of us that may be learning to navigate a new diagnosis.
Dear Robin,
You’re so lovely, in heart, mind and spirit. My sister turned me on to your programs and I am so much better for it! Your excellent Pilates training and gifts for teaching and leading have rescued many; I’m certain of it!
Stay the course, you marvelous lady. You are an amazing lady to be a working mom! Your self care advice is always a lovely addition to your guidance. I know you can do this also.
So I am writing to say thank you and to lend a shoulder to you. I hope to convey that you are absolutely loved for all you do.
Sending safe and healing vibes,
Jane K
Thank you Jane! This comment means so much to me! I appreciate your words and your thoughtfulness. xoxo
Thank you for sharing your health story with all of us. TBL has made huge changes in my life and I so appreciate you all.
Best wishes on the recovery process.
Thank you,
So good to hear from you Kathy!! And thank you for the kind words. xoxo
You’re such a role model to so many people, myself included. I wish you all the best for a speedy recovery and long-term good health. Sending positive energy and love your way ?.
Thank you, Robin, for your incredible generosity in sharing your journey. You were so wise to seek naturopathic help – there is no substitute for how those doctors look at the total body and take the time to develop the plan that is exactly right for you. I know that personally from various health challenges over the years that naturopaths diagnosed and helped me with when my regular doctors could not. Best wishes and love to you and your family as you move forward on this healing path. Diane
Thank you for sharing your journey. I have Had some major stressors the past two months. I have had to step back and rest more. I too have gone to a NP doctor and was encouraged to not a caffeine, stay off sugar, gluten and to take suppliments. You podcast really helped me to connect more dots on why certain things are helping me on my health journey. I am so glad you have found out what was happening in your body. We are all in this journey together. You are not expected to be perfect. That is one of the reasons I love being in the sisterhood. Please do keep us into your health journey loop. We got your back. T
Thank you Tammy! And I’m so glad the podcast helped you to connect some dots as well! So grateful for your ongoing support. xoxo
Thank you for sharing your experience and your journey to healing. This is bringing awareness of issues that are somewhat unknown and anyone of us could have! You are such an inspiration!
Thank you for sharing. And, I share a similar journey. One of the best tonics for adrenal burnout that I have found is the homeopathic remedy Folliculinum in a 30C or 200C potency… And Maca root for a whole endocrine system balancing and revitalizing. My own endocrine issues were the root cause of breast cancer, high blood pressure, and now osteoporosis. The good news is that I can now understand how it’s all connected. I’ve learned to bio-hack my nervous system’s hyper reaction to stress through the vagus nerve. For the first time in a very long time, I have some answers to help me go forward. I appreciate your openness and wish you all the best in your recovery and continued wellness.
Thank you for sharing Anna! I’m sorry for all that you’ve been through. I’m so glad you now have more of an understanding and are able to put it to use in your life and also share it with others! It’s so important and I appreciate your support! I am grateful! xo
Thanks Robin, that was very helpful.
Thank you Robin! My story is so similar and that is why I have been with the Balanced Life for 3 years now! I appreciate you and your lovely kind spirit! Blessings and hope you heal quickly!
Thank you Janelle! xo
Robin, thanks for being such a great role model! We all have issues; sharing your process will, no doubt, help many of us to face and deal with our own situations and point us in the direction of better health and balance in our lives. Not to mention providing a platform for community, and the celebration of all the small joys and pleasures of living a “present” life.
All the Best,❤️
Thank you – this was so helpful! I have an appointment this afternoon with a naturopath to discuss almost this exact thing! I too have been wondering about mold toxicity, and will definitely be asking about that this afternoon. It is incredible to me how the information we need shows up at just the right time! <3
I was just thinking the same thing Susan, re info at the right time!!
I hope the appointment goes well! I always love when timing aligns like that! xo
Hi Robin,
Oh my goodness, it’s like you’re describing my life these past two years, since I moved house to a rented accommodation (my husband is in the Armed Forces) and I gave birth to my second son. I put my symptoms (pretty much everything you describe, plus a good dose of anxiety, depression, nausea, migraine, Insomnia etc) down to postpartum hormones, breastfeeding and various stressors in my life, going back to work etc, and then I caught COVID over Christmas, but we also have so much mould in this house. I’m embroiled in an ongoing battle with my landlord over it, as its always aggravating my eldest’s croup, and my youngest has never really been well. My doc has diagnosed me with early menopause (at the tender age of 37!!), and I’m about to start HRT, but now I’m thinking this could all be due to mould toxicity!
So THANK YOU so much for taking the time to share such a personal journey with us. You probably have no idea how many of us you’ve helped in that single podcast, let alone the whole TBL sisterhood. I can’t wait to get back to my HIIT and spinning classes, but I’m so pleased that my beloved TBL pilates is still on the docs prescription.
Wishing you all the very best in health and happiness for your recovery.
If you do get the time to read this and reply please could you give some idea of the supplements you’re taking? I def need to explore this, as I’m not taking anything right not, after years of living of prenatal vits. Us mummies are so bad at taking care of ourselves! X
Hi Jo! I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been experiencing so many similar things but I’m so glad this podcast was helpful for you! I can relate to piecing together my own journey and what questions to ask from learning from others too. I found the book “Breaking the Mold” by Dr. Jill Crista really helpful. I am not following her protocol exactly but it was very enlightening and helpful for me to start to understand some of the things I might be dealing with. The supplements I’m taking are unique to my own unique situation and based of of test results and blood work so I wouldn’t recommend them exactly to anyone else – but just for your own reference it includes Vitamin D +K, B Complex, Omegas from Nordic Naturals, Quercetin, binders, magnesium and adaptogenic herbs. Again I wouldn’t go straight to the store and buy all of these for yourself, but in general Vitamin D and Omegas are a good place to start for most people (not to be taken as medical advice ;). Sending you lots of love and I will continue to share more as the journey continues! xo
Robin, Thank you. Thank you for sharing. As someone that started “falling apart” once she turned 40 and has been struggling with my own health, this made me feel not so alone. I received a diagnosis last year and I am still struggling with how to manage. Chronic pain, fatigue and burnout are so common, yet unknown on how to navigate. I look forward to hearing more of how you are showing up for yourself and navigating the diagnosis. I don’t know that I can put in to words how much this truly hit home for me. Thank you again for sharing.
Thank you Kristy! My doctor said she is seeing more and more women come in once they hit 40 will so many of these symptoms. I’m sorry you’ve been feeling unwell and hope that your healing journey is one that continues to progress in the right direction! Sending you love and will definitely keep you updated. xo
Thank you for pushing back against the ego’s desire to be the perfect expert, and sharing about your recent diagnosis. I found your story relatable even though our health challenges aren’t exactly the same. I am just post-menopausal, and have been suffering hot flashes for about 5 years now. I finally got smart and ditched my worst “stressor” (out-of control-wine habit) 2 years ago. With an otherwise healthy lifestyle, I somehow figured that change would be the turnkey, and those awful hot flashes would end. Not so much, as it turns out. Moreover, I’ve learned the wine was masking fatigue, which also hasn’t abated. A bit over a year ago, I started to experience achy feet, which was sort of a “light bulb moment,” crystallizing my awareness that these symptoms were all hormone-imbalance related, and I’ve been reading and learning since then, trying to figure out what to do to regain well-being and energy. Most of the topics and treatments you mention have been coming onto my radar over the last 6 months or so, and I am “leaning in” to new routines, habits and dietary changes. Some of the recommendations are harder than others to integrate (must I really give up my organic, decaf coffee?!), and this is where listening to your podcast felt so valuable to me. It was just so helpful to hear your thoughts about what you’re doing to heal, and though I’ve not yet joined “The Sisterhood,” I’m thinking that I will do that as I really want to follow your progress and learn more about what works for you. Besides, I need more Pilates in my life since clearly increasing my running isn’t the solution!! ;o) Thank you again, Robin, for your candor and generous willingness to share your experience.
Robin, you inspire me in so many ways including how you have handled this health episode. I hope you feel a little better each day. Thank you for being in my life!
Jan Phelan
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry about your struggles. I too, was in a very similar place in my life back about 10 yes’s ago. I didn’t have a mold toxicity, I had a systematic candida overgrowth. Although it was treatable, no one knew how to treat it successfully. I worked with a chiropractor and found as much information as I could find online. I basically had to design my own treatment. I did what you are doing, slowing down, lots of detoxing, diet changes and giving myself a lot of grace. I now have the candida under control but, all this did quite a number in my hormones and then I went into menopause. HRT wasn’t an option for me as it made me feel worse, so I have been managing it with supplements. My heart goes out to you and I will be praying for you as you navigate this season of your life. You can get better! And you will get better! You are such a blessing to me and many others. It’s so important that you share this information. You have know idea where you might be casting your shadow and who will discover health and wellness from it. You are brave, you are worthy and you are loved! Your purpose and plan in this life is being revealed more and more every step you take! Gif bless you!! And Thank you.
Thank you for your sincere candidness, Robin! This is so important for women to hear! Besides this presentation being POWERFUL. I just have to say that I’m so proud of you !! Thank you!!
I am 67, a mom of 5, grandmother of 25, lifetime exerciser, lover of Pilates and natural health and feeling good, and I have been on a similar journey….’hitting a wall’ in my 40s that has lasted up to now… until I adopted a very similar plan for myself and have become kinder to myself, and my own ‘best friend’, taking care of my body, mind and my spirit. I admire your courage and compassion to share this….it’s going to launch you in a way you may have not expected!!! Be blessed, and thank you, Robin. Sincerely…this encouraged me so today!! I enjoy your workouts so much!
Donna Nichols
Please do take care Robin. You have made a great start but this isn’t a sprint, as you well know. We are all here for you – and will still be if you need to cut back on your workload for a while. We already have a brilliant set of resources to hand in the Sisterhood so you can cut back if you need to. You have been there for so many of us – now it’s your turn. Thaf is what a sisterhood is.
Hi Robin!
Thanks for all that you do and sharing your experience. I have health issues and unexplained issues as well. I just found a functional doctor about 35 miles from me and he is running a full panel along with specialty tests as well. Hormones, EBV, mercury, Lyme disease, and other toxins he is checking me for. He said health gut was a big one for me as well as candid. I went plant based about 3 months ago and it appears I will be going to a different diet with implementing animal proteins again. As I continue through my health journey, I look forward to listening to your journey. I hope you feel well sooner than later and so happy you found someone to help you. I feel that is the biggest change of all is finding that person to help us! Love your program, the sisterhood, and you. Enjoy your Sunday!! ❤️
Hi Robin,
Thank you for sharing your journey with us, it is nice to hear we are not alone when times are hard. I’m so glad you are getting answers and working through this tough time. You mentioned dry brushing as a way of detoxing. Do you mind sharing which brush you use?
Hi Colleen, this dry brush is a favorite of Robin’s!
I listened to this podcast lying in bed with a headache and utter exhaustion. I work and take care of my kids all week and spend my weekends suffering for it. My kids are 8, 5, and 2 and I’m still breastfeeding my youngest. My marriage has been on the verge of collapse for a year, another major stressor. I have lingering sacroiliac joint dysfunction, probably from my last pregnancy, which has prevented me from running for months— my only “me time” activity and mental health outlet. And I have no support system to lean on.
I apologize for laying out all my problems— am not looking for sympathy— rather, putting all this together with what Robin talked about, of course I am exhausted and sick all the time!! I prioritize sleep and eating healthy, and take a bunch of vitamins, but it’s clearly not enough. (My doctor ran blood tests last summer and everything except my Vitamin D was normal… though I don’t think we tested for hormones.) I printed out the workbook and will look for more opportunities for self-care and giving myself more grace.
Hi Aviva – thank you for taking the time to share this. We’re sorry to hear that you’re going through such a challenging time. But it’s so good that you are seeking out opportunities for self-care and are choosing to give yourself grace – you should feel very proud of that.
Even though The Balanced Life community is online, know that we are here to support you in any way that we can. Always feel free to reach out here or in The Sisterhood Facebook group – we can’t wait to cheer you on in your journey!
One day at a time, YOU GOT THIS. ❤️❤️❤️
Hi Robin,
Thank you for sharing your experience with us, it is nice to hear we are not alone when times are hard. I’m so glad you are getting answers and working through this tough time.Please do take care yourself. xoxo
Christina Chiu
Hindsight is a wonderful thing. We should all slowdown and look back every now and then. Thank you for sharing.
Looking forward to the supplement episode and what if any supplements you might be taking for sleep.
Thank you so much for sharing with us. I am so glad that you are on a healthy journey after all you’ve been through. Even though I may not have the same journey as you I am thankful that you are here to educate and share with us. Looking forward to hearing more. You mean so much to so many.
Thank you for the great tips in your article.
Hi Robin,
Thank you for sharing your story. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you navigate thru your healing. You are such an inspiration to me and so many others, in how you choose to be grateful for what you have accomplished and your consistent positive attitude that empowers all of us. This is close to my heart, as I am living with a chronic lung condition. Each day, I can choose to be grateful or just give up. You have helped me so much in motivating me to get on the mat and feel stronger spiritually, physically and emotionally. Thank you again for everything. Have a Blessed day!! Love you!
Thanks for the informative podcast and for sharing. Your symptoms sound very much like ME/CFS, which I’ve had for about 35 years. Has your doctor considered this? Unfortunately no definitive test yet so you need a really savvy doctor to diagnose it. My thoughts are with you!
Thank you so much for sharing this and for being open and honest about it. THANK YOU
How did you start the process of checking the house for mold? We are currently looking at testing due to some reoccurring health issues. Any tips?
And i love being part of the Sisterhood! Best decision!
Hi Maddy! We’re so happy to hear you’re enjoying being a part of The Sisterhood! It’s difficult to give tips or recommendations with mold testing because there is such a spectrum of options, which may resonate differently from person to person. But we understand that there can be a lot of conflicting information and that the decision making process for testing can be stressful. Robin sought out companies that were highly recommended by trusted friends/family/colleagues, researched those options for remediation and then ultimately made a decision that she and her family were comfortable with. We hope that you are able to comfortably conduct testing and get answers in your own journey soon! ❤️
Wow. I just listened to this.
I had twins 10 years ago.
I haven’t been the same since.
I know I have mold in my house because I’ve seen it.
I didn’t realize it could be so damaging to your system.
I’ve not been sure what’s been wrong with me.
I have a lot of childhood sexual trauma and have been Working through that and thought I was exhausted because of that. And homeschooling my 3 kids.
So then I thought it was my hormones because my periods were getting unbearable and even ovulation was worse.
The doctor allowed me to get a hysterectomy but keep my ovaries. I also had a rectocele repair from the damage to my body from having the twins at the same time.
I am only 100 lbs.
So to balance my hormones I was put on the birth control pill with no period breaks.
For 4 months I’ve been in agony with itchiness and nausea and worse fatigue than I had before.
But I am afraid to go off of it because i don’t want to go back to the way my hormones were before.
The withdrawal symptoms of the pill were so bad the first time I stopped.
Anyway, for 10 years or so it’s felt like I was going to get a cold and it would never come.
I assumed allergies.
I am going to get the house tested for mold.
I’m stunned.
Total God thing that I heard this podcast.
I’ve actually been scared about how hard it is for me to do anything with having to lie down.
I get tired in ways that I never used to.
Don’t know what to think.
It could be anything.
But my medical doc said everything looks fine.
Thanks Robin!
You have faced so many challenges, Jessica. We’re so glad you’re listening to your body and seeking treatment for the symptoms you’re feeling. We know it can be challenging sometimes to get to the underlying issues of your symptoms, but are hopeful that you will find answers and relief soon.
Hello, I could not find the episode where Robin discusses the supplements that she mentioned in this latest Podcast. I would love to look into what are some of her recommendations that she’s found helpful.
Thank you,
Hi Shonni – Thanks for asking about this, the good news is this is the episode that Robin was referring to in episode #69, “Steps I’ve Taken Toward Hormone Balance”. While Robin talks about taking supplements, I don’t believe she shares what she is specifically taking. She has been working closely with her doctors on her approach to adding supplements based on her body’s specific needs, which can vary. We encourage you to speak with your healthcare provider for more individual recommendations.🙂
Thank you for sharing. From UK Scotland, with adrenal burnout and followed by hormonal imbalance and unable to understand what was happening with me. When I heard your story all I could feel was my life being spelt out. I can’t watch the news too !!!! That’s crazy Cz very few people understand this! I am grateful that you have found the courage to share your journey amongst very judging social media platform. As a believer in creator and believer in that he will guide us through our struggles and individual journey it feels so good to connect through our experiences and makes me feel I’m not alone. This is all our little story to tell that we did best we can with what we have been given. Your giving to the world is through sharing positivity sharing kind words a gentle smile and encouragement to women who are feeling they just need a little more to keep going. I haven’t been able to give as big of a gift that you have, however I will continue to do daily what I have been empowered to given my circumstance as you have taught me grace over guilt. May the guided path be your journey, may your kind openness be your gateway to heaven. Thank you Robin
Thank you for your most kind and encouraging message! We’re sorry to hear that you’ve experienced those conditions Janeen and for all the challenges that has created for you. We’re so glad that Robin’s story resonated with you and helps you to feel connected to others who have experienced the same. We’re here for you and cheering you on in your continued health and healing journey!đź’•