How I overcame paralyzing anxiety

Many of us struggle with the fear of the unknown. The anticipation of what would happen can often be daunting, and for those with anxiety, debilitating. Anxiety can often lead you into a spiral that you don’t know how to escape and while you may feel alone in this experience, you’re not. 

Today, Robin talks about her experience with anxiety and how she overcame it. She shares logical and easily applicable tactics to help you take control of your anxiety. If you want to learn how you can distance yourself from paralyzing thoughts, join Robin in today’s conversation.

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • Robin shares her story with anxiety
  • Adjustments Robin made to overcome anxiety
  • Being proactive in day-to-day practices
  • How Pilates heightens awareness and creates calmness
  • The benefits of counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Tactics to communicate anxiety to your loved ones
  • Favorite verse on anxiety: Philippians 4:6-7

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16 thoughts on “How I overcame paralyzing anxiety”

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      One day at a time, Teri – know you’re not alone, and we are here to support you in any way we can! ❤️❤️

  1. Robin and TBL team,
    Thank you! I have had a season in the worried frenzy lately and this just helped me realign my goals, focus on what I CAN do, and use the tools in the tool belt!

  2. This is wonderful! I am also on the other side of paralyzing anxiety and did many of these things! There IS light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for sharing, Robin!

  3. Hey Robin,

    In your podcast you mentioned that along with your anxiety you had some sort of medical condition (maybe a a virus or bacterial infection?? can’t recall) in your stomach or gut that was contributing to the anxiety. It’s been a bit since I listened to this podcast but I recall you saying you figured it out on your own and asked to be tested for it. Would you be comfortable sharing what the condition was and what test they used to confirm it? Sure appreciate all you and the team do to make this a very helpful and encouraging place!

  4. Such a helpful podcast! Thanks so much Robyn for sharing, your workouts definitely help reduce anxiety for me. I struggle keeping a routine so am going to try and work on that. Thank you also for sharing your faith in a beautiful way. I’m motivated to try all these steps to manage increased anxiety I’m experiencing the last couple weeks.

  5. So helpful. Thank you so much. Reaffirming what I know and have been putting in to place and know makes such a difference. Giving me permission to stop umming and aahing about counselling and just make it a priority.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this, Robin – I’m amazed at how similar your story is to mine! Hearing your story is such a blessing and encouragement. This really affirms a lot of the work I’ve been doing and strengthens my resolve to keep it a priority. Thank you!

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      We’re so grateful to hear this resonated with you – keep on making you a priority! ❤️

  7. Jennifer Yubeta

    This episode is so personal to me. I struggled with fear, anxiety and depression years ago but didn’t recognize it at the time. Prayer did help me when I was finally open to receive healing. I still struggle in certain areas of life so hearing that I can use the tools you’re speaking about. My daughter who is now 22 is in counseling for anxiety. I’m going to share this with her. Thanks for your openness. I’m in love with TBL !!?

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      Hi Jennifer, we’re so grateful to hear that prayer has been helpful for you, and we hope both you and your daughter find this helpful and encouraging. You are surrounded by support! ❤️❤️

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