Hitha Palepu: resetting expectations & cultivating your village

When juggling life, parenthood, and a career, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by daily tasks, media, and self-expectations. 

In today’s interview with Hitha Palepu, a mother, blogger, entrepreneur, and author, she shares how she finds balance in her daily tasks through establishing productive morning habits, resetting self-expectations, and consuming media without letting it control her emotions. 

She also discusses what it means to be an active angel investor and how you can get involved. Join Robin in this inspiring conversation to unpack more of Hitha’s approach to living a fulfilling life. 

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • Snapshot of who Hitha is and what her current season of life looks like 
  • A day in the life of Hitha and her tips to have a productive morning 

Expectations + Priorities

  • How to have a more graceful and gentle approach with your self-compassion 
  • Learning where to draw the line on daily priorities 
  • Saying no to things that don’t align with priorities 

Blogging, Social Media, & Investing

  • How Hitha’s approach to blogging brought her traction and amplified her voice
  • How to maintain hope and positivity when consuming media
  • Pursuing becoming an angel investor and how to get started 

Self-Care + Staying Present

  • Tips to stay present in the moment 
  • Taking time for self-care and reflection in moments of overwhelm 

Links in this episode:

Stay in touch with Hitha!

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