2020 Vision Guide: how to create your healthiest & most fulfilling year yet

The Balanced Life Podcast is back for 2020!

Looking towards a new year has us all evaluating where we were last year, where we are now, where we want to be, but most importantly, how we’re going to get there. 

Today, Robin Long shares her vision for the 2020 season of The Balanced Life Podcast, her evaluation process for moving forward, and how you can use her guide to create a clear vision for yourself in 2020. Robin talks about how to use self-reflection as a tool for growth and the importance of taking time to set yourself up for success. 

Tune into this exciting and reflective episode to follow Robin into this upcoming year with a clear, and healthy vision. 

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • Robin’s vision for this season’s podcast 
  • Getting rid of the notion that women do it all 
  • How to create a clear vision for 2020 
  • What the vision guide is not 
  • The importance of self-reflection 
  • Taking time to dream up the healthiest version of you 
  • Establishing habits you want to build and break in 2020

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19 thoughts on “2020 Vision Guide: how to create your healthiest & most fulfilling year yet”

  1. Hi Robin and Team, I listened to the podcast on the 2020 Vision. I have printed out my guides and will make time to fill them out. Reflecting on 2019 and looking forward to 2020. I usually never follow through with things like this but your program, encouragement and vision has motivated me to move forward and go for it. I have got on my mat and have a goal of doing piloties everyday to my 60th birthday on Feb 1st. Then I’ll put my next goal down after that. Little goals = results. I know exercise is a big factor in keeping breast cancer away (I was diagnosed in 2018). I have been lax in that aspect of exercise. But that will change. Thank you for your program, encouragement and belief. Have a very Happy 2020.

    1. Elisabeth Callahan

      Hooray, Sandra! It sounds like you are ready to go! We are cheering for and supporting you as you make 2020 and your 60th year your best yet! ❤️

    2. Hi Sandra, I’m turning 60 this spring also. Let’s make 60 our best year! I’m also committing to pilates every day for my birthday. Best wishes for a fabulous healthy 60!

  2. I am really dedicated to put myself as a priority with the New Year and new decade, I have tried in the past, but have fallen short without a plan to stay course. I am very excited to begin this new journey towards all the things Robin talked about in this podcast!
    Thank you!

  3. I appreciate the 2020 vision guide! I’m a sisterhood member and it’s the first podcast I’ve listened to. I will definitely be back! Super practical and helpful! Thank you ?

  4. I am NOT a vision board person. I just cannot get “into” that. It’s a rainy Friday here in NJ, so I decided to listen to this podcast. I downloaded the 2020 Vision Guide. This resonates with me. This I can do. This makes sense. I can define what I want to get out of 2020 in realistic terms and goals that make sense to me. I’m in. Working on completing the guide now. Thanks Robin and Team!

  5. Just finished listening to the podcast and reviewed the guides Vision guide 2020 and intentions and outcomes Can’t wait. Made a date with myself for the coming week to sit down re-listen to the pod cast, reflex and set my intentions for 2020. Thanks TBL Team.

  6. Wow, great podcast, definitely worth the listen. Putting yourself as a prority is certainly important, especially through channels such as exercise, and healthy eating!

  7. Thank you for the podcast. Really love the series. I’m filling out the vision guide on the train to London now!

  8. I did my vision a week or so ago, but I want to go back to it soon, so I just listened to the podcast and plan to go home tonight to reread what I wrote and reconfirm myself to my vision

  9. Just listened to this podcast and it is perfect for me this year! I have things that need to be changed this year in order for me to keep growing into the healthiest version of me! Looking forward to getting started on this and seeing what the future will bring. Thank you for sharing!

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