Tiffany Lee Bymaster: setting intentions, protecting passions and asking for what you want

Lights, Camera, Action! This interview has it all, from the glitz to the glam, to the nitty gritty details you want to know! Today’s guest, Tiffany Lee Bymaster, is a professional makeup artist, wardrobe stylist, business coach, and online mentor. 

Tiffany has experience behind the camera and in front of it, and uses her extensive knowledge to help other individuals grow their own business. 

In this interview, Tiffany gets vulnerable about her career and health journey and the impact exercise has had on her life. She talks about dealing with burnout, how passions can sometimes be toxic, and not waiting for opportunities to come to you. Join Robin in this exciting, abundant episode for tangible advice you can apply to your own life and career. 

Show Highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • Tiffany’s career journey and how she got her online market started
  • What Tiffany’s freelancing career as a makeup artist looked like 
  • Being unapologetic about living the life you want to 

Burn out + recovery

  • Working through adrenal fatigue and creating a new reality for yourself 
  • Burning yourself out and pushing your body too hard when you need a break 
  • Healing from burnout and taking a new approach 

Scheduling + time blocking

  • What Tiffany’s daily schedule looks like and establishing a productive morning routine  
  • Time blocking and mapping out your top 10 priorities for the week 
  • Strategies to conquer tasks effectively and the value of time blocking

Self-Care + Body Image

  • Dealing with body image and breaking free from negative thought cycles 
  • Defying the pressure of perfection 
  • The roles exercise and health play in Tiffany’s life 

Priorities + making time for what matters

  • Emphasizing relationships and finding a way to incorporate fun into a busy schedule 
  • Asking for what you need and what you want 
  • Things Tiffany outsources and why she stopped cooking 

Links in this episode:

Stay in touch with Tiffany!

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2 thoughts on “Tiffany Lee Bymaster: setting intentions, protecting passions and asking for what you want”

  1. Robin – thank you sharing your honest thoughts about body image. They resonated. I found this podcast really interesting.

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