
Talking about life, parenthood, and marriage in hopes that others will feel less alone: A Q&A with Chrissy Powers

Happy Monday, beauties!

I’m excited to share a new Real Women, Real Balance interview with you today.

Chrissy Powers is the wife to a surfer and mama of boys with a little girl on the way (#stillshocked). She’s a photographer, a licensed marriage and family therapist, a writer of honest words and podcast host of the Sure, Babe Podcast.

She loves to talk about her personal experiences in life, parenthood and marriage in hopes that she can help others feel less alone.

Talking about life, parenthood, and marriage in hopes that others will feel less alone: A Q&A with Chrissy Powers

Hi Chrissy! Will you start by telling us a little bit about yourself?

Hi! I’m Chrissy, I’m a licensed Marriage and Family therapist with two boys and a little girl on the way. I’m married to a contractor who loves to surf and we’re in the beginning stages of building our forever home. I fell into blogging 5 years ago after my first son was born and instantly fell in love. It gave me a place to stash all my photos while telling stories and sharing things I’ve learned along the way. Last fall, I launched a podcast called “Sure, Babe” which is all about relationships, parenthood, career, and living the life you’re meant to live. I also get to interview some of the people and bloggers I’ve met over the years; it’s pretty much my passion project right now. I love sharing things that add value to others’ lives.

What inspired you to start your business?

My kids, a love for creativity, and inspiring others! I wanted to stay home with my children when they were small so building a full-time client load was never my goal. But, I’ve always been a creative person (my BA is in Art) so finding a business that allows me to combine my love for art and design, write about meaningful topics, and take photos of my children feels like hitting the jackpot.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Wake up around 6:30, have a cup of coffee while reading a devotional and journal some thoughts until one of my kids needs me, then school drop off and then maybe meet a friend for coffee or get some exercise with my toddler, nap time usually comes after a morning of getting his energy out and then I answer emails, write, edit photos or record a podcast.

I’m curious, what do you do when you’re not working?

Hang out with friends… we love to meet for coffee and take our kids to the park. Lately though, since I’ve been pregnant, I’ve done a whole lot of resting! Lots of Netflix binges because I’ve had pretty bad nausea… Our favorite thing to do without kids is to meet friends at the beach on a Saturday morning with donuts and coffee and surfboards.

As you know, The Balanced Life is all about empowering women to approach health & fitness with a balanced mindset. How do you handle the pressure as a woman to look or act a certain way?

Oh, that’s a good question! I think there’s probably never been a more empowering time to be a woman, but I still feel at times that I have to prove myself to others. I think there’s a lot of pressure on mothers that if you choose to work you must be super professional and make money… at least that’s the pressure I sometimes put on myself. I chose the work I do because it gives me a joy and fulfillment that, dare I say my children can’t give me. They fulfill me in so many other ways and are my #1 joy and love but working and balancing my life in other ways is essential to who I am. I love to encourage mothers to make time for the passion they have apart from motherhood and do it because they love it, because it’s a part of them and not because it makes them money. If your passion makes you money that’s great but do it first and foremost because you love it. Back to the beginning of the question; when I feel pressure or judgment from others, or myself, I try to cover it with grace and focus on what I know to be true for myself and my family.

What does balance mean to you during your current season of life?

Balance during my current session of life looks like answering emails later than is socially acceptable ha ha, taking on less work, resting more, going to bed early, and writing down ideas and goals I want to achieve when I have more energy.

Who/what inspires you to keep living well?

Other entrepreneurial women, my mother, and my relationship with God. I am constantly inspired by women like Christa Black Gifford, Ginger Parish, and Joanna Gaines.

What is your best tip for maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the midst of a busy life?

Make sure your priorities are in the right order and make sure to make time for yourself even if its 5 minutes of listening to a meditation in the car with your kids!

What projects are you currently working on that you’d like us to know about?

I’m currently trying to work more on my podcast “Sure, Babe” and I’m super excited to be creating some E-Courses to help other people start a website, build a brand, grow an authentic following, and navigate social media. I’m excited for these courses because they will be different in that there will be exercises that will help you deal with hang ups, setbacks and comparison. Basically, I want people to do what they love and learn how to deal with negative emotions that come up along the way because we all have those. 😉

Thank you, Chrissy! It’s an honor to have you here on the blog today. Thank you for the work you are doing to inspire others!

You can keep up with Chrissy on her Facebook & Instagram accounts, or check out her blog for more ideas and inspiration!

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