
quick tips for home workouts

As you’re spending more time at home these days, it’s more important than ever to continue taking care of your health.

Here at The Balanced Life, we’ve been providing online Pilates workouts that can be done anytime, anywhere for 10+ years. So I thought it might be helpful to share a few quick tips to help you stay on track and see results as you’re figuring out how to make it all work right now.

quick tips for home workouts

Tip #1: Choose workout wear wisely

The beauty of home workouts is you don’t have to get dressed for a public outing. You can wear whatever you want!

I’ve been known to work out in my pajamas more often than not and inside The Balanced Life Sisterhood, #PJPilates is often trending.

But I’ve also found there are times when my clothes affect the way I show up on my mat. Some days pajamas work just fine, other days changing into actual workout clothes gives me a boost that encourages me to show up with more intention and focus on my mat.

Pay attention to how you feel during your workouts and choose what works best for you!

Tip #2: It’s okay to hit pause

Unlike a traditional class setting, you have the ability to hit the pause button anytime you need to – so don’t be afraid to use it! Whether you need to take a breather and grab some water, break up a sibling squabble, or go back to work with the intention to finish the workout at a later time – use it to your advantage!

No guilt, no shame. Hit pause whenever you need to, and embrace the flexibility and convenience of working out at home.

how to workout at home

Tip #3: Keep it simple

It’s easy to think that you need all kinds of equipment at home to get a good workout and establish a solid routine. But I have good news…this isn’t true! The more simple you keep your routine, the more likely you are to stay consistent – and consistency leads to results.

Nearly all of the workouts here at The Balanced Life use your bodyweight to build strength and don’t require expensive equipment or a fancy setup. If you want to stick with your routine for more than a few days – keep it simple. 

Tip #4: Have a plan

A quick search on YouTube will pull up thousands of free workouts, but it’s hard to know where to start. That’s why I put together clear plans and calendars you can follow from home – so you don’t have to make decisions when you’re already short on time and energy. You’ll know what to do each day, what equipment is needed, and how to see results.

See you on your mat soon!


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10 thoughts on “quick tips for home workouts”

  1. Danielle Coleman

    I have been spending a lot of time home during lockdown, and i can feel my lower back getting more and more stiff. I was scattering the internet and someone told me to check out this review for a workout product: Since you seem to know a lot about home workouts, do you think that it is something that i should try out?

    1. Elisabeth Callahan

      Hi Danielle! We don’t know about the product you linked, but do know that Pilates is a great way to relieve back pain. If you are a Sisterhood member, check out the Back + Hip Release workout in your Workout Library! If not, join the free 5 Day Strength + Stress Relief challenge on our homepage! 🙂

  2. Clearing a large space in a tidy room also helps me immensely. It’s easy to get distracted by things around you, but if there’s little to focus on I find my workouts are much more successful.

  3. Keep it simple & have a plan are great pieces of advice. I’d add, schedule your workouts too so that there’s always a part of the day already dedicated to fitness. Great work. Keep it up.

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