
Quick + Healthy Snack Ideas

Happy Monday, beauties!

I’ve been running online programs for 6 years now, and one of the most common questions I hear is, “Do you have any recommendations for quick and healthy snacks?”

I have my “go-to’s,” but I thought it would be fun to ask my team, here at The Balanced Life, what their favorite snacks are too… I hope you get a few new ideas after reading this post!

Quick and healthy snack ideas // The Balanced Life


  • Hard-boiled egg + 1 piece of fruit
  • Larabars
  • Apple + almond butter
  • Quick & easy smoothie: almond milk, blueberries, banana, spinach + peanut butter



  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake: almond milk, peanut butter, chocolate protein powder, banana + ice – add all ingredients and blend!
  • A cup of fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
  • Banana Egg Pancakes: Mash 1 banana + 2 egg whites, mix well and cook like a pancake

quick and healthy snacks from The Balanced Life


  • Sliced cucumbers + Kite Hill Chive Cream Cheese
  • Half an avocado with sea salt + lemon juice
  • A handful of raw almonds and cashews + a piece of dark chocolate!


  • A good ol’ energy bite, like this recipe!
  • Banana + nut butter
  • Make your own trail mix: I go to the bulk section of the grocery store and pick out my favorite nuts, dried fruits, etc., and mix!

quick and healthy snacks from The Balanced Life

Did you find any new snack ideas? These are great for the mid-morning, or mid-afternoon, when you need a little something to fuel and nourish your body!

What are your favorite quick + healthy snacks? Share with us in the comments!




PS – If you enjoyed these quick snacks, you’ll also enjoy these Berry Coconut Smoothie Pops! Also, check out this blog post for snack ideas for before and after a workout!

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12 thoughts on “Quick + Healthy Snack Ideas”

  1. Love these!

    A couple of my favorite snacks are –

    Almond beauty bites (Yum!)
    Guacamole with nut thin crackers

  2. I like a handful of cashews and dried cherries. If I am really hungry maybe add a bit of cheese or baby carrots. I also like apple slices dipped in natural peanut butter are good.

  3. I second the apple with almond butter (or peanut butter) and I love raw almonds with fresh blueberries or dried cherries! The almond/berry snack can safely be transported right in my purse for my work break snack.

  4. I cook chicken/pork/turkey once a week, shred while watching a movie, freeze in 3-4 oz portions. Grab out of the freezer for my premade lunch salad, or to throw in an Ole wrap with salsa or homemade marinara, that is easily added to the baggies beforehand. By the time it thaws it’s time to snack.

  5. Melinda Sparhawk

    One snack that is loved by my husband and daughter is your favorite peppers sliced up with cottage cheese. They like to put it in the pepper like a scoop.

  6. Love these snack ideas!! I was wondering if you could recommend a good protein powder to use in smoothies. I noticed one of the snack ideas above was for a Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake – but would love to know the brand of the chocolate protein powder Sarah prefers?

  7. Dates filled with PB
    Apples or banana slices dipped in plain Greek yogurt
    Larabars (great for when I’m craving dessert)
    Banana breakfast cookies from the Sprouted Kitchen Blog are great for snacks too!

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