
Pilates Summer Series: Day #3 + What's In Season

Hi Beauties!

I’m having SO much fun connecting with you all here and on social media. I love seeing your enthusiasm and determination to prepare your mind and body for summer. It’s helpful knowing that there are others out there doing this too isn’t it? 🙂


One of my favorite things about summer is all of the fresh, readily available produce.

While I’m not going to tell you exactly what to eat and what not to eat during this challenge, I am going to provide loads of healthy summer recipes here on the blog and on Pinterest to inspire the healthy foodie in you. 🙂

The truth is, what you eat matters. A lot. It affects the way you look, the way you feel and the way your body will age. So let’s make it a goal to up our healthy food intake throughout this program. Deal?


Rather than focusing on what we shouldn’t eat, let’s focus on what we should. 

Let’s fill our diets with as much whole, healthy nourishing food as possible to support the work we’re doing down on our mats.

One of the best ways to eat well is to eat according to what’s in season. And while it varies from place to place, here’s a general idea of what’s currently in season for those of us living in the US…

  • Asparagus
  • Artichoke
  • Avocado
  • Cabbage
  • Kale/Mustard Greens/Collards
  • Strawberries
  • Rhubarb
  • Radishes
  • Leafy Greens
  • Cherries
  • Basil
  • Apricots

Here’s a helpful link to the Kitchn that shows what’s in season around the country.


When in doubt, notice what the grocery store has placed front and center for the lowest price. That’s usually a good indicator of what’s in season. By staying true to this rule you’ll save money AND enjoy the best tasting produce. It’s a win-win.

Also, are you on Pinterest?

If so be sure to follow me, especially the Pilates Summer Series 2014 board for healthy, summer inspiration and recipes throughout the month.

Now, on to today’s workout….

Day #3 is all about the arms – and I crafted this workout to focus specifically on the triceps (back of the arms). That area that we all love to have toned when wearing tank tops & sundresses. 🙂

I hope you enjoy it!

Today’s Check-In: Show me your produce! Snap a photo to show me how you’re adding fruits & veggies into your meals and snacks today. Don’t forget to hashtag #PilatesSummerSeries.

And while you’re at it, click the hashtag on  Instagram or Twitter to see what others are sharing too. Remember, we’re all in this together!



PS – Just joining us? It’s easy to catch up! Simply go back and complete Day #1 and Day #2 and you’ll be good to go. 🙂



Fast Track Tank in Pale Cactus Heather

Namaste Seamless Bra

X’s & O’s Capri in Flint (on sale!)

disclaimer: these videos were created for individuals in good health. Robin recommends that you speak with your doctor prior to beginning a new exercise routine. By doing this video you do so at your own risk and agree to release Robin Long and The Balanced Life of any and all liability. Clothing generously provided by Athleta.

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23 thoughts on “Pilates Summer Series: Day #3 + What's In Season”

  1. Woof!! Caught up on day 2 plus the arms just now – and feel like a champ. Can’t believe I did that! Thanks for the encouragement, Robin. Looking forward to sticking with this challenge 🙂

  2. SO ready for the variety of summer produce that’s coming into season.

    My arms are feeling this workout, for sure!

  3. SO glad it’s spring and there’s lots of yummy fresh produce now; winter produce in Scotland is pretty much root vegetables and, uh, more root vegetables. My kitchen’s packed with fruit from continental Europe and tomatoes from northern England 😀

    I have a question, though: Whenever I do triceps dips, my shoulders, and sometimes my wrists, start to hurt. My chest muscles are pretty inflexible (bad posture + big chest = tight chest muscles), which I think might be the cause, but do you have any suggestions for how to modify them, or an alternate exercise I can do while I work on stretching out my muscles?

    1. Great question!

      A few ideas:
      1. You can turn your fingertips so that they point out on a diagonal rather than straight toward your hips.
      2. You can pad under your wrists with a folded towel.
      3. You can also use a sturdy chair or the edge of your couch rather than having your hands on the floor. This is helpful if you don’t have the flexibility in your upper body.

      Let me know if those help! xo

      1. I completely forgot about this post, sorry!

        I just tried it on the edge of my couch, and it definitely makes it more comfortable. Strangely, I’d always been under the impression that doing dips with your hands further up was more advanced than on the floor, so I’ve never tried it before.


  4. Love that it’s almost time for fresh veggies from the garden! I probably have a few more weeks before my lettuce is ready to eat.

    Triceps are my kryptonite. When you said we were going to do them today I groaned but I gave each exercise a try. It wasn’t pretty, but I got through it!

  5. Margaret Jones

    Looking forward to strawberry vinaigrette salad with fresh, local strawberries! Workout today really kicked my triceps! Love it!! #PilatesSummerSeries.

  6. Just discovered your blog, and I love your posts! What a great video. Thank you! xo Kelby

  7. Wow…the leg work out was a bit tough for me…but I managed. Thank you sooooo much for inspiring us to get going. I do these on my lunch hr…perfect. Love all your wo’s mostly because I am able! Xxoo.

  8. Wow Robin, those were some challenging arm exercises! The sidelying tricep push up one is really good. I happen to make a fresh fruit salad right before I did this. You must have been channeling fruit to me. Thanks!

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