
Pilates Summer Series – Day #8 + Fresh Mango Salsa

Did you catch yesterday’s incredible “Summer Foodie” giveaway? It’s full of so many goodies I can hardly stand it.

Speaking of food, one of my favorite summertime meals is fresh fish tacos. I love having friends over for chips, guac, homemade salsa and fresh citrus margaritas. Is there anything better on a hot summer night?

Here’s my recipe for mango salsa (the crunchy jicama is the secret ingredient)…

fresh mango salsa

Fresh Mango Salsa


2 mangos, diced (how to cut a mango)

2 tomatoes, diced

1 jalepeno, seeds removed and finely chopped

1/2 jicama, chopped

1 avocado, diced

1/2 red onion, finely chopped

juice from 2-3 limes

1/2 bunch of cilantro, chopped

3/4 tsp cumin

1/2 teaspoon sea salt


Chop all ingredients and combine. Serve with chips or over fish tacos.

fresh mango salsa

My fish taco recipe is pretty basic…

Healthy Fish Tacos

(serves 2-3)


1 lb white fish (wild caught cod, halibut or tilapia)

1/4 cup olive oil

Juice from 1 lime

1 tablespoon chili powder

Organic corn tortillas


Marinate fish in olive oil, lime and chili powder for about 30 minutes. Cook fish on the grill or on the stove until cooked through and flakey. Top with mango salsa and Cilantro Crema (vegenaise or plain greek yogurt, cilantro, chili powder and fresh lime juice)

Sounds good doesn’t it?

This healthy meal will be a hit with the family and guests alike. If you give it a try let me know what you think!


Let’s Workout…

Today is arm day in the Pilates Summer Series, but I’ll be honest, you’ll be getting a lot of ab work today too. Sorry, I can’t help it! It’s just the way Pilates works.


If you are unable to view the embedded video above click here.

Today’s Check-In: show me your post-Pilates glow! 

Yes, really. We’re sharing cheesy selfies to show off our sweaty, post-Pilates skin. Yes, I’ll be doing the same, we’re all in the this together remember? You’re working hard and you should be proud. Show off your sweat!

Plus I want to see the faces behind all of these great posts I’ve been seeing. 🙂

See you on Twitter & Instagram!



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22 thoughts on “Pilates Summer Series – Day #8 + Fresh Mango Salsa”

  1. Hi Robin,
    Whew! I haven’t done those arm moves in awhike and I can feel it! Thanks much-I’m awake now.

  2. Thanks, Robin,, for such simple effective workouts. I haven’t missed a day…and I have been doing the previous day’s workout with the current day, just to double up my daily workout–I need it.
    I am not good at doing all the social posting, hashtags, links & comments. I’m glad others are good at that because you deserve the community it generates. Nonetheless, I’m here and grateful for what you do, and who you are, to help me and others to live with balanced better healthy bodies.
    Thank you again!

    1. Hi Rachael, I’m so happy to hear this. Thank you for taking the time to write, it means a lot to me! I know everyone isn’t big on social media and that’s okay. 🙂 I’m just glad to hear you are enjoying the videos and sticking with it! xo, Robin

  3. WOW!! Great work out..gonna remember this I loved that it didn’t require weights and was so effective! Thanks!!

  4. Thank you, Robin! Whew that was a good effective workout for those arms! Yikes, I need more practice! LOL. I so appreciate all that you do for us! Thanks and have a great and balanced day! (: Heather

  5. Wow, that was amazing! Im constantly surprised at how simple yet effective pilates movements/postures are- my arms are shaking!!!! Thanks Robin 🙂

  6. Robin, on the side planks I can barely get my hips up let alone my entire leg and it puts a lot of pressure on my shoulder. is it just a strength issue and it will get easier? Can you recommend a modification?
    Thank you for all the help and resources. I’m loving it!

    1. Hi Callie,
      You are not alone in that. It is likely a strength thing and will get better with practice. In the meantime I recommend using your bottom knee as a support (kind of like a kickstand). Then just focus on elongating your body, engaging your core and keeping your body in one line. Keep up the great work! 🙂

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