
Pilates Summer Series: Day #5, Yoga with Sarah Beth

Happy Friday Beauties!

Can you believe we almost have a full week under our belt?

It’s been such a fun week and there is SO much more to come. Including more big giveaways (have you entered this week’s yet?).

Before I introduce today’s guest instructor I want to remind you that today is the LAST day to upgrade and maximize your results. If you’ve been enjoying the free workouts you’ll LOVE the upgrade workouts.

Here’s what the upgrade includes:

  • 3 20-minute full body Summer Sculpt videos.  You get to download these and keep them forever. They are designed to give you the most bang for your buck – 20 minutes, full body, maximum efficiency.
  • Goal Setting Worksheets so that you can focus in on what you want to accomplish by the end of this challenge. Why not make the most of it?
  • A Summer Vision Guide that goes beyond goal setting and helps you create a vision of how you want to feel in your skin and as a well-rounded woman. It will help make your goals a reality.

The idea behind the upgrade is that it’s not required but it’s an option for those of you who want to take it to the next level and really get the most out of this challenge (it’s only $27).

I’ll send you a new 20 minute video every Friday afternoon for you to do over the weekend. That way you never have a break in your schedule and you continue challenging your body day in and day out. The first one will arrive in your inbox in just a few hours! 🙂


(10% of your upgrade will be donated to Women For Women International)

Now, on to today’s workout….

I’m thrilled to introduce this week’s guest instructor, Sarah Beth.

Sarah Beth has an incredibly popular YouTube channel and I regularly enjoy doing her workouts from the comfort of my own home. Perfect during nap time or late at night to wind down after a long day.


Let me introduce you… 

Sarah Beth is a full-time yoga instructor living in the Denver area. She first discovered the power of yoga when she was 16 years old, and after years of an on/off practice she developed a strong, daily yoga practice. One of the best decisions she ever made was to sign up for Yoga Teacher Training so she could work within her passion, deepen her own understanding of yoga, and share it with others. Diagnosed at a young age with Ulcerative Colitis, Sarah Beth has since found yoga, meditation and diet to be her natural approach to living a healthy and happy life.


Sarah Beth completed her certification to teach through CorePower Yoga in the fall of 2010 and has since quit her job as a professional model, ran a pop-up donation-based community yoga class, started teaching on YouTube to expand her reach, and picked up some experience as a chiropractic assistant. Sarah Beth has been teaching yoga for nearly 4 years, and loves the challenge of teaching to a class, workshop or on camera! Her current life consists of wedding planning, working out, eating clean, and a whole lot of practicing, teaching and filming yoga. She currently teaches locally in the Denver area and internet-wide on YouTube through her channel SarahBethShow. Her style is strongly influenced by daily practice, functional movement and flow. To stay up to date with her latest routines follow her on YouTube / Tumblr / Instagram / Facebook.


Sarah Beth and I first connected online and then discovered that we’re practically neighbors so met up for coffee to get to know one another. How cool is that? I have a feeling we’ll be having lots of coffee/Pilates/yoga/walking dates in the near future. 🙂

She went above an beyond for the Pilates Summer Series and created a wonderfully rejuvenating 20 minute Yoga For Flexibility routine.

Remember, to stay on track with the challenge you’re only *required* to do 5-10 minutes per day, so don’t worry if you’re tight on time. Just do what you can. But if you’re able to set aside 20 minutes today, you won’t regret it.

This routine will do your body good after all the hard work you’ve put in.


Today’s Check-In: Let’s celebrate the end of the week! Show me one thing that’s making your Friday a Happy Friday. Use the hashtag #PilatesSummerSeries and don’t forget there’s still time to enter the $150.00 Athleta gift card giveaway!

Have a great weekend,



PS – if you’re just joining us there it’s easy to get caught up! Just start with us today and add 1 extra workout per day until you’re all caught up. CLICK HERE to easily access past workout.




Empowerment Tank in White

Relay Capri in Bora Bora Blue

disclaimer: these videos were created for individuals in good health. Robin recommends that you speak with your doctor prior to beginning a new exercise routine. By doing this video you do so at your own risk and agree to release Robin Long and The Balanced Life of any and all liability. Clothing generously provided by Athleta.

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34 thoughts on “Pilates Summer Series: Day #5, Yoga with Sarah Beth”

  1. Excellent yoga/flexibility workout today from Sarah Beth!

    Happy Friday! Can’t believe the first week of this challenge is almost complete – time flies 🙂

  2. I had problems with the internet connection it kept stop/starting so was stuck in some poses and gave up after 10mins will try again later. Could it be because I am in Uk ? Or might be my internet playing up. Enjoyed what I did and will make me look at more of Sarah’s stuf

      1. Thank you Robin this 2nd link worked perfectly this evening, all done great after spending the afternoon working in the garden. See you next week

      1. Thanks for the reply worked this evening with link from Robin, my internet might have just been dodgy this morning

  3. What a wonderful start to the day! Thank you, Sarah Beth! So happy to know you and I can now add some yoga to my Pilates workouts! Have a great Friday, everyone!

  4. I also had issues with the video 🙁 It would go to the youtube page and then seconds later come up ‘this page can’t be displayed’. I even went to youtube and searched for the video and it still did the same thing! Hopefully I can get it working because I was really excited for this one! Thanks anyways!

  5. Wow!! Great workout. I still have a lot of work to do with flexibility of my body. I am loving the Summer Series. I’m adding it on top of my PBP workouts.

  6. Perfect way to end the week! As a therapist (and a person 😉 ), I am loving the positive self-talk and mind-body health focus, thank you so much Robin! 🙂 I also just posted my first summer series photo on Instagram (@bobby_elise) and am excited to join the online support community – what a great way to kick off the summer!

  7. Started the Summer Series on Monday and am absolutely loving it! Loved the workout today with Sara Beth, I do her yoga workouts a lot so this is perfect, Thank you Robin and Sara Beth 🙂

  8. Great way to end the week! Loved the yoga video. Super proud that I stuck to the challenges this week and completed all 5 videos! Thanks so much Robin 🙂

  9. Opening up your post today was an answer to prayers! I’ve been struggling so much with the shame I place on my body for the amount I’m working out, and having a sick newborn has been an extra struggle. Just did the yoga sesh and it was exactly what I needed to be reminded how strong our bodies truly are, and that it is better than nothing!

    1. I’m so happy to hear this came at a good time for you. Remember, guilt doesn’t do any good. You’re doing a great job and having a newborn is a lot of work! Especially a sick one. I hope everyone in your home is feeling better soon! Your body is amazing and stronger than you think. xo

  10. The beautiful sunshine, a good workout, and a healthy family all have been part of my happy friday! #PilatesSummerSeries

  11. This was fantastic! Busy end of the week and weekend and I am embarrassed to say that I just now (Sunday night) did day 4 and 5….but so glad I fit them in and ready to go tomorrow!

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