
Pilates For When You Don’t Feel Good

Hi Beauties!

Feeling a little under the weather, have low energy, or getting over a cold?

Then this quick Pilates routine is just what you need. This workout is gentle and rejuvenating and perfect for those days when you don’t have much energy, but know you need to move your body.

These gentle exercises will help you release tension, relax, and promote healing to help you get back to yourself as soon as possible!

Check out this gentle Pilates routine over on my YouTube channel today and let me know how it goes!

Revisit this workout anytime you need something relaxing and quick to help you feel better!



PS – Check out my Sick Day Survival Guide for more tips to help you feel your best!

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14 thoughts on “Pilates For When You Don’t Feel Good”

  1. Pilates for When You Don’t Feel Good was just what I needed today. I’ve had a little bit of a cold for about 2 weeks now. I feel better tonight having completed this gentle workout. Thank you?

  2. Robin, how is it you always know just what we need? I got sick on Friday. Missed work Monday and Tuesday and finally went back to work on Wednesday. Not 100% but better. I had to get on the mat Tuesday after laying around all weekend.

    This workout tonight felt AMAZING!! I wish there was a way to save it to our favorites. I want to do it often.

    Thank you for always taking such good care of us!!

  3. Amazing! I have a cold and I’m recovering from car accident trauma. It snowed here in CO so I couldn’t make it to physical therapy but this was perfect and exactly what my body needed. I can breathe through my nose better already! 🙂 🙂 Love your workouts so much and I’ve missed them!!

  4. Thank you so much Robin, this was exactly what I needed this morning! After a day feeling ill & weak on the sofa yesterday, I couldn’t move this morning! Feeling much better now ?

  5. Thank you Robin, I recently did the 5day Pilates and I have enjoyed it tremendously. I have three buldging disc in my lower back and I was limited on the exercising and even amount of walking I could do. After a couple weeks of doing the short sessions I can feel a improvent.

  6. Rosemarie Quagliariello

    Nice to have this session on my radar when things are not running as smoothly as I’d like. I can still feel like I’m stretching and doing something to help me be all I can be.
    – thanks, Rosemarie

  7. Yup, Pilates for when…really hit the spot. Specifically, the spot on my lower back that I insulted with a three-day sewing marathon. I thought I’d have to see the chiropractor but I don’t plan to now. Well done, Robin, and may God bless you and yours this Christmas season.

    1. Elisabeth Callahan

      Hi Teresa! This workout was not specifically written for those who are prenatal. If you have a good idea of modifications, then you can try it and modify as needed. Otherwise, check out all our prenatal videos on the same YouTube channel. 🙂

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