What if you started today? [a quick pep talk]

Many women fall into the trap of “when I have this” or “when this happens”, I’ll start. We all seem to think we need a fancy notebook, the newest workout gear, or a perfectly clear schedule to get started moving towards our goals, when all it takes is one small step right where you are.

What if you started working towards your goals with what you have, where you are, right now? In this episode, Robin shares a word of encouragement and tangible tips on how you can start working towards your goals without waiting for the perfect moment.

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • Robin shares ways we get caught up in the wrong things when trying to start a new habit.
  • Focus on how to build habits into our daily routines instead of waiting for the perfect moment.
  • Get started where you are with what you have right now.
  • Take small steps to build new habits.
  • Build awareness of the thoughts that are holding us back.

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8 thoughts on “What if you started today? [a quick pep talk]”

  1. I needed this today. I was listening to your podcast and it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks that I had to change my thinking and start acting on my goals today. Not when I had this or that. Thanks for the this.

  2. Right, the pep talk we all need at different points in our life. How easily we fall in to bad routines and habits. We find excuses for our behavior and carry on blaming external circumstances. Thanks.

  3. Samatha J Davis

    Have been terribly busy taking care of parents. Eye surgery for mom and bad viral infection for dad. As parents grow older they become rather helpless in taking care of themselves but still don’t want to seek our help. It’s been a battle. But after listening to your podcast I am lot calmer. I don’t have to do everything. I will do my best.

    1. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, Samantha. We understand how challenging it can be to care for others while managing all of your other responsibilities. We encourage you to give yourself grace on the challenging days and we’re cheering you on with your adjusted mindset! ? ?

  4. THank you for the post, its very informative. In todays world where everyone is busy in a race , everyone wants to be all rounder, you mentally and physically get disturbed but listening to your podcast I got much calmer n relaxed.

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