Tricks I use when I’m lacking motivation

We tend to put pressure on ourselves to be the best, most motivated versions of ourselves at all times. It’s important to acknowledge that motivation ebbs and flows, and we’ll always have ups and downs. 

In today’s episode, Robin shares her top tips to get motivated (because she isn’t always motivated either!) and prepare yourself for the roadblock of sluggishness. She shares how you can create an environment to rely on when your motivations are low and ways to prompt yourself into getting movement.

Join Robin and a few special guests on this journey of wellness and tune into this episode to learn how you can overcome the waves of feeling unmotivated. 

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • What makes it difficult to find motivation to workout 
  • The biggest mistakes people make when overcommitting  
  • Why 10 minutes is enough to help you break the streak 
  • Utilizing community to help you
  • How the people you follow can influence your inspiration and motivation 
  • The importance of recognizing that motivation comes in waves 
  • How imagining how good your body will feel after a workout can motivate you 
  • Imagine what the healthiest version of yourself would do 
  • Members of the Balanced Life Team share their tricks for staying motivated 

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4 thoughts on “Tricks I use when I’m lacking motivation”

  1. Rebecca Johnston

    I tried. I did. Dercums Disease, what I have, is very rare. I can go to an ER for another reason and the doctor has to look it up.
    I ended up in a flare of PAIN after two days. This happens after everything I try including yoga. The stretching and deep breathing feel so good at first but then those muscles fight back.
    I tried pilates. I can say that.
    I walk a couple miles with my dog Tanner almost every day. I will keep up with that. Live in the tranquility of when I can walk in the mountains and swim in Lucky Peak here near Boise Idaho.
    Thank you for showing this practice to me and everyone

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      Hi Rebecca – thank you for sharing this. ❤️ It sounds like where you live is very beautiful and that you have a healthy routine with Tanner – enjoy those walks in the fresh air! ?

  2. Trying counts because it fosters hope. Hope is a way of believing in and nurturing Future You. I have to believe My chronic illness is a gift. I wish you the best with yours.

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