Natalie Taylor: focusing on your core values while creating margin and slowing down

Finances play a huge role in our day-to-day life and where we choose to focus our money is important. Today’s guest, Natalie Taylor, is a financial planner who emphasizes how to spend money and live life in a way that aligns with your core values.

Natalie shares how she transitioned from life in the corporate world to work from home, the struggles that can often accompany those transitions, and the fulfillment she’s found in her journey. She also talks about how to build margins into your day in order to be efficient and effective, but in a way that gives you space to slow down. Join Robin Long in this interview to learn more about Natalie’s story and how you can create a life that aligns with your values. 

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • Who is Natalie and what does she do 
  • Creating a life that aligns with your core values 

Natalie’s Career

  • Natalie’s corporate career and how she transitioned to where she is now
  • What Natalie’s daily life in corporate looked like versus now 
  • How Natalie uses her gifts to help people think and feel differently about money 

Advocating for your health + your time

  • The importance of margins and having space to rest 
  • Tips to maintain margins and build rhythm into your day 
  • Natalie’s health journey and the role exercise plays in her life 
  • Things Natalie doesn’t do in this season 

Navigating Parenthood in different seasons of life

  • What “adult swim” is and how Natalie implements it into her parenting 
  • The difficulties of transitioning from full-time child care to being the predominant caregiver 
  • Working through transitional seasons and the role of finances 

Links in this episode:

Stay in touch with Natalie!

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3 thoughts on “Natalie Taylor: focusing on your core values while creating margin and slowing down”

  1. Charlene Rountree

    I can relate to this very well. I used to work in the corporate world. You are inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  2. Focusing on your core values, I like that. It start from with-in then it flourished naturally. We are all different on how to handled our stress and anxieties. Tibetan Singing Bowls helps manage the heart rate and respiratory rate. Natalie’s story is truly an inspiration for all. Finding the right balanced life is all we need.

  3. The main thing is to approach the investment process carefully. To do this, novice investors need minimal knowledge and skills. In addition, we recommend that you enlist the support of a reliable broker and start your journey into the world of investment with investments in shares of stable companies.

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