
What I do when I don’t fit in my jeans…

You know that one pair of jeans you have in your closet?

We all have that one pair, right?

For some of us, they should have been tossed long ago (I may or may not have a pair from HIGH SCHOOL on my shelf).

This particular pair of jeans always lets me know.

They let me know if I’ve gained weight, lost weight or I’m somewhere in between. And after having two babies, one miscarriage and a collection of stressful, busy seasons over the past few years – sometimes these jeans fit….and sometimes they don’t.

There was a time in my life when these jeans would have dictated how I feel about myself. If they didn’t fit, I’d feel terrible. I’d beat myself up, promise to do more cardio, commit to a new diet on Monday and focus my eyes on losing that weight – because if the jeans didn’t fit, I carried around a quiet, disturbing sense of failure every morning when I got dressed and every time I looked in a mirror.

But you know what?

That’s not my story anymore.

Don’t get me wrong, my jeans still get tight (I’m human after all).

But what that leads to in my life has radically changed.

Thanks to Pilates and the grace-filled, practical, balanced approach that is found in The Balanced Life Sisterhood, I know just what to do when the jeans won’t button.

I take a deep breath.

I remember that the size of my jeans will never determine my worth.

I go fill up a big glass of water.

I open up the Sisterhood calendar for the month.

I re-commit to spending a little bit of time on my mat each day.

Not out of desperation or punishment, but out of self-care. Because I know that I am not alone. I know that I’m on a long journey toward the healthiest version of myself and there will always be ups and downs.

I know that success is not linear.

I know that the secret to transformation is in the small things I do each day that add up over time.

And I know that I have a community of women around the world who “get me” and they get YOU, and together we’re doing our best to stay the course.

Take a moment to imagine yourself 3 months from now…

Imagine that you wake up each day feeling strong, healthy and energized

You feel in control because you’ve finally found an exercise plan that works with your lifestyle.

You’re making progress and seeing changes – and it’s easier than you expected.

You’ve come to appreciate your body in new ways – you feel healthier, stronger, and more confident.

You can do this.

Join me in The Balanced Life Sisterhood and I’ll provide everything you need to stay consistent, stay motivated, and stay on track with your daily Pilates workouts.

Here’s my promise to you: if you join The Sisterhood and make use of the resources, you WILL have a transformation.

You’ll gain strength, improve your flexibility, improve your posture, boost your energy levels, and fill your life with positivity.

And you’ll do so in a way that is balanced and realistic.

You don’t have to overhaul your entire life overnight to get results.

That’s why so many of our members recommend  The Sisterhood to their friends.

If you’re curious, I encourage you to just give it a try. You can join for just $19/month or $171/year (a total steal).

Doors to the public are closing tonight so if you’ve been thinking about joining, now’s the time to take action my friend.


Hope to see you inside the members’ area!


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3 thoughts on “What I do when I don’t fit in my jeans…”

  1. I just joined this week. What got me hooked was the 7 days challenge. It was the first time I found something that you didn’t have to jump around but felt like you got a great workout and was in line with my love of Pilates and yoga! With two little ones and a full-time job I was looking for a program that was good for my soul and could build back muscle that wasn’t an hour a day. Love that I log in and just get a solid quick work out in that’s already planned. Thank you!

  2. I really appreciated this article. I’ve got several pairs of jeans sitting on my closet shelf just waiting for me to fit into them again. Sometimes I see them and get so discouraged. But my worth is not found in my size of jeans! Thinking I may print this out and hang in my closet!
    Thanks Robin!

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