
5 Simple Ways To Reduce Stress


I imagine as you read this post you have a hundred thoughts going through your head: tasks that need to get done, calls that need to be made, meals that need to be planned, a house that needs to be cleaned, appointments that need to be scheduled. I imagine you have your plate full…or more than full and it’s a race between you and the clock to keep up with the demands of the day.

Perhaps you feel exhausted just thinking about it and knowing that you’ll make it through the day only to go to sleep and wake up and go through it all again.

Living like this day after day is stressful. And here I am, encouraging you on a daily basis to take time for yourself, exercise, cook healthy meals, and get plenty of sleep on top of all the responsibilities you have as an employee, wife, mother and friend.

When you can hardly manage the tasks that NEED to be done each day, how can I expect you to slow down and take care of yourself?

The answer: baby steps.

Small changes.

I went through a period of time when my stress level got so high that it manifested in my body in ways I never knew was possible. Aches, pains, exhaustion, fear, and ultimately…full blown anxiety. My stress level was at such heights that something needed to change. And since I couldn’t change anything big, like my job or my living situation, I began focusing on little steps that I prayed would eventually help me return to a more normal state of being. And it worked. Slowly, but surely and they have stuck with me to this day. I practice them regularly and encourage my stress-riled clients to do the same.

4. Cut The Caffiene

Sorry, but it’s true. If you are at all prone to anxiety or high levels of stress you should avoid caffeine (I’m not a doctor, but in my personal experience this works wonders). Caffiene can increase levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), increase adrenaline, cause mood crashes and impair healthy sleep patterns (read more HERE). Stay tuned for a post on how to wean yourself off caffiene. It’s in the works.

5. Practice A Daily Debrief

Choose one person that you are close to (perhaps a spouse or roommate) to debrief with daily. Let them know that you’re intentionally working on lowering your stress levels and would appreciate checking in for a few minutes each day. This can look however you’d like, but use it as a way to acknowledge your level of stress that day. Use a scale of 1 – 10 and look back on your day without judgment. Often the first step to reducing stress is simply acknowledging that it’s there. Doing so keeps you in the driver seat rather than feeling like the victim.

Question: what are your favorite ways to reduce stress? I’d love to hear them!


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