
5 Quick Workouts for the Holidays

Hi beauties!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but can also be the busiest!

It can be easy to put our health + fitness goals on the back burner with all the fun events, gift shopping, and prepping for the holidays. Thankfully, we know we only need ten minutes for a good workout + to remain consistent during a busy season.

To help you stay consistent and make time for yourself this holiday season, I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite workouts from The Balanced Life Youtube Channel. Each of these workouts are quick + efficient, but will leave you feeling energized and ready to take on your day!

And if you’re feeling under the weather or need something relaxing today, check out the below workouts…

I hope these workouts help you stay consistent this holiday season!

How do you make time for yourself during a busy season? I’d love to hear in the comments!


PS – Still doing a little holiday shopping? Check out my Health + Fitness gift guide!

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5 thoughts on “5 Quick Workouts for the Holidays”

  1. During these last few days of 2019 i feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, what with all the shopping,cooking, decorating and organizing the holiday season ushers in. Thanks for giving me something that wont disrupt any of my responsibilities yet make me feel years younger & healthier.

    1. Sharon, how much I understand you now. With all the pre-holiday preparation, cleaning, cooking, washing, choosing gifts and plus to everything – also a daily work, you really feel “the whole weight of the world on your shoulders”. This is an absolutely accurate description of my current state. Sometimes there is really not enough time for yourself, for fitness, for relaxation … Thanks to the author for sharing such interesting and useful workouts. I especially liked the last two videos. They are now maximally suited to my condition, both physical and moral.

  2. Thankyou so much for sharing your talent! I’m recovering from hip surgery and still cautious with my stretching and exercises. I started your last FREE workout but found it to be a bit much for me at that time. I know Pilates is the best care for your body, so this is the perfecting timing to get started again! Bring on a healthier and stronger body for 2020! Merry Christmas!

    1. Elisabeth Callahan

      Thank you for this note, Keeley! Hope your recovery is going well. Listen to your body and take it easy as you recover. When you are ready, we hope these workouts will be helpful for you. Merry Christmas! 🙂

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