
3 reasons you should go upside down every day

You should go upside down every day.

An old yoga teacher used to tell me this and it’s something I still think about today.⁣

I don’t know how to do fancy handstands and headstands (remember, I teach Pilates, not yoga!)⁣

But you don’t have to be fancy to reap the benefits of inversions. A simple downward dog or Pilates Roll Down will do the trick.⁣

Going upside down:⁣

1. Increases blood flow to the brain which helps with mood, concentration, and focus.⁣

2. Helps to counteract the negative effects of gravity. It helps to release pressure on the spine, reduce back pain, and other joint-related aches & pains.

3. Improves circulation, which in turn, boosts your energy levels!⁣

So slow down today and do a quick roll down.

Stand tall. Take an inhale. As you exhale, nod your chin to your chest and slowly roll your spine forward over your legs. Keep your knees soft. Draw your abs in, as you slowly roll back up to standing. ⁣

Repeat throughout the day!⁣



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7 thoughts on “3 reasons you should go upside down every day”

  1. Did the first workout today. It was quick and 15 minutes was over before I knew it. I have issues with my left side, so it was difficult to do the exercises on the left side. other then that, it was great.

  2. Hi, I injured my right knee doing the (right) side plank and really struggled with that side (this was the most recent 5-day challenge, but forget which day it was), but no problems on the left side. Is there a modify position I can use next time instead of the full extension side plank for the one weaker side? And wanted to let you know, I enjoy your mini-challenges, and even though I can’t always get to them daily, I will double-up the following day so I can get through all the exercises. They are helping my back pain and mobility. So, thank you for offering these for free.

    1. Elisabeth Callahan

      Hi Natalie! So glad you enjoy the challenges. You can modify the side plank by bending your bottom leg (the one closest to your mat) and straightening on the top leg. Do that for as long as you need to while you build strength! 🙂

  3. Katherine Donahue

    Agree about going upside down. Have been doing it for a while now and have to say it feels great. Especially my back and spine.

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