Success Stories
Imagine Yourself at Your Happiest and Healthiest
"Joining Lindywell years ago has absolutely been the best thing I've ever done for myself! You
can consider me a lifetime member, as I don't ever intend to cancel my membership."
"My time on the mat is just for ME and no one else. Those 15-30 minutes are what get me
through some days of teaching. The great "Ahhhhh" feeling when I hit the mat or when I'm done
is so AMAZING! Lindywell and my Pilates keep me sane and centered."
"I haven't ever invested in something like this before and it has been incredibly life-giving to me.
All of my life I have felt clumsy, awkward, and not-coordinated and have often wrestled with
feeling not enough. I went on a date on Wednesday and just felt so comfortable in my own skin.
It just feels so good to be STRONG."
"Before joining Lindywell, I felt like exercise didn't fit for me... it didn't fit my schedule, it didn't fit
my ability, and it didn't fit the capacity I had at the time. I am loving my time on the mat. I love
that I work out at home so no scrambling in the morning to get work out clothes together before I
go to the office. I love that the work outs are 15-30 minutes so I can almost always fit one in. I
love that the calendar is set for the month so that I don't have to use what little will-power I have
to choose a workout. I love that I can see a HUGE difference between my first day and today. I
love the feeling that I can take on the world when I do a roll up."